Tuesday, August 22, 2023

MS OFFICE Excel Review Menu




Spelling&Grammer (F7) -> check the spelling&grammer of text in the document

Research  (ALT+CLICK)-> open the research task pane to search through reference materials

Thesaurus (SHIFT+F7)  -> suggest other words with a similar meaning to the word you have selected

Translate -> translate the selected text in to a different language


New Comment -> add a comment about the selection

Delete -> delete the selected comment

Previous -> navigate to the previous comment in the document

Next -> navigate to the next comment in the document

Show/Hide Comment->show are hide the comment attached to the selected cell

Show All Comments->display all comment in the sheet


 Product Sheet->you can specified password that can be entered to unprotect the sheet and allow this changes

Product Workbook->restrict access to the workbook by preventing new sheet from beginning created

Share Workbook->allow multiple to work in a workbook at the same time

Product Share Workbook-> share the workbook and protect it password at the same time

Allow uses to edit ranges->allow specify people to edit ranges of cell in a protected workbook or sheet

Track changes->track all changes made to document including insertions, deletions, and formatting changes


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