Tuesday, August 22, 2023

MS OFFICE Excel Home Page


Microsoft Excel





start  ->     All programs   ->    Microsoft Excel

                         Home Menu


     Cut:Ctrl+X -> cut the selection from the document and put in on the clipboard

     copy:ctrl+c  ->Copy the selection and put it on the clipbord

 paste:ctrl+v  -> click  here for more options such as a pasting only the value or formatting  

Format Painter: Ctrl+Shift+c  -> Copy Formatting from one place and apply  it to another. Double click this button to apply the same formatting to multiple places in  the document


Font :ctrl+shift+F     -> change the font face

Font size: ctrl+shift+p  -> change the font size

Grow Font:ctrl+>  -> Increase the font size

String font size: ctrl+<  -> decrease the font size

clear formating:  -> clear all the formatting from the selection, leaving only the plain text

Bold:ctrl+b  -> make the selected text bold

Itallic:ctrl+I  ->   Italicize the selected text

Unterline:ctrl+u  -> Underline  the selected text

Strikethrough  -> Draw  a line through the middle of selected text

Subscript:ctrl+= -> create small letters below the text baseline

Super script:ctrl+shift+=  -> create small letters above the line text

Change case: -> Change all the selected text to Upper Case, lowercase or other common capitalizations

Text Highlight color

Text Highlight Color   -> make text look like it was marked with a highlighter pen

Font Color -> change the text color

Border -> the borders of the selected text or paragraph


Alignment Left (Ctrl+l)-> align text to the left

Alignment Center  (Ctrl+e) -> align text to the center

Alignment Right  (Ctrl+r)-> align text to the right

Top Align  -> align text to the top of the cell

Middle Align ->align text so that it is centered between top and bottom of the cell

Bottom Align -> align text to the top of the cell

Decrease Indent -> decrease the indent level of the paragraph

Increase Indent -> increase the indent level of the paragraph

Orientation -> angle counter clock wise , angle clock wise, vertical text ,rotate text up, rotate text down

Wrap Text  ->make all content visible with in a cell by displaying with on multiple lines


Merge&Center  ->joins the selected cell in to one large cell and center content in the new cell

Merge Across -> joins the selected cell in to one large cell and across content in the new cell

Merge Cell -> merge the selected cell in to one cell

Unmerge Cell -> split the selected cell in multiple new cell

Number -> choose how the values in cell are displayed EX: general ,number ,currency , accounting, short date ,long date ,time ,percentage,  fraction, scientific ,text

Accounting number format -> choose an alternative currency format for the selected cell Ex:Rs,$,fr,£,,¥

Percent Style (ctrl+shift+%)-> display the value of cell as a percentage

Comma Format -> display the value of cell as a thousand separator

Increase decimal ->show more values by showing more decimal places

Decrease decimal-> show less values by showing less decimal places


Conditional Formatting

Highlight cell value  ->greater than ,less than , between  ,equal to ,text that content, a data occurring, duplicate values 

Top&Bottom rules -> top10items ,top10%, bottom10items, bottom10% above average, .below average

Data bar -> it can fill highest value of color

Color scale -> it can fill highest value to lowest value at different color

Icon sets -> it can be set different icons in multiple cell

Format as Table ->quickly format the range of cell and convert in to table by choosing a predefined table style

Cell Style ->quickly format a cell by choosing from predefined style


Insert cell ->insert cell ,row or column in to the sheet or table

Delete cell-> delete cell ,row or column in to the sheet or table

Format cell->change the row height or column width organize

Row height  -> change the row height

Auto fit row height ->change the auto fit row height

Column width->change the column width

Auto fit column width-> change the auto fit column width

Hide -> hide row, hide column, hide sheet

Unhide->unhide row, unhide column, unhide sheet

RenameSheet->we can change the sheet name

Move&copy sheet->it can organize sheet 1 can copy sheet 1(2) and move to another sheet

Tab color->we can change the different colors in tab


£ Autosum -> total ,average, count, maximum, minimum

Fill->you can fill cells in any direction and in to any range of adjacent cells

Clear->delete everything from cell are selectively remove formatting the content or the comment

Sort&Filter->you can sort the selected data in ascending or descending order or  you can temporarily filter out specific values

Find&Select->find and select specify text ,formatting or type of information with in the workbook


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